Greetings, this is Hanane Touzani

Capturing moments through my lens has become my second love. Hailing from the old Medina of Fez, Morocco, my initial passion lay in mathematics, yet it was in Paris, France where I pursued and earned my Master’s in Digital Communication. Transitioning seamlessly into UX Design, I meld technical acumen with interpersonal finesse to craft distinctive experiences. Now, as a seasoned Consultant specializing in Digital Communication Strategies, I draw from my diverse background to develop innovative solutions that resonate and drive impactful results.

“Portraiture is not just about capturing a person’s appearance, but about creating a visual representation of their inner world.”  -Cindy Sherman

Exploring the connection between emotions and photography through my story as a passionate female portrait photographer from Fez, in Darejah, Moroccan Dialect, sharing with you my journey of self-awareness and emotional healing through the art of portraiture..

A Safe space to talk

The conversation around emotional health is changing, and I am proud to be one of the souls leading the way in my community. Through my work and advocacy, I’m creating a space where you and I can open our hearts and share our emotional journeys, where we can support each other through both light and shadow.

Thanks for your visit!

I’d love to hear from you, if you have any projects, questions, comments, or just want to say hello, please feel free to reach out. I’m always happy to connect and see how I can be of assistance.

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